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Flaxseed was cultivated in Babylon as early as 3000 BC. In the 8th century, King Charlemagne believed so strongly in the health benefits of flaxseed that he passed laws requiring his subjects to consume it. Now, thirteen centuries later, some experts say we have preliminary research to back up what Charlemagne suspected. Flaxseed is what's used to feed all those chickens that are laying eggs with higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids

Sahyas's Goji berry, also known as wolfberry, is a nutrient-dense fruit that is prized in herbal medicine, considered to have benefits that aid kidney and liver function, improve vision and inhibit aging. Columbia Health notes that some studies have found that goji berry consumption helps improve mental alertness, sleep quality and gastrointestinal health. As with other berries, goji is high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The tiny red fruit can be eaten on its own or as part of a meal or consumed in liquid form.

The pomegranate originated in the region extending trom modern-day Iran to northern India and has been cultivated since ancient times throughout the Mediterranean region. It was introduced into Spanish America in the late 16th century and into California by Spanish settlersin 1769. Today, it is widely cultivated throughout the Middle East and Caucasus region, north and tropical Africa, South Asia, Central Asia, the drier parts of southeast

Sahya's pumpkin seeds are good source of B Vitamins, Magnesium, Iron & Protein. This seeds have high source of essential fatty acids that helps maintain healthy blood vessels and lower unhealthy cholesterol from blood. Sahya's Pumpkin Seeds are an easily Accessible, inexpensive way to load up on a white variety of nutrients, zinc in particular. Zinc helps improve sex drive in general and is also necessary for the production of healthy abundant, Potent Sperm. Zinc - Rich foods helps the body produce testosterone, the chief male sex hormone. World health organization recommends their conception as a good way of obtaining Protein

Sahya's Falooda Seeds (Basil Seeds) are one of the under estimated ingredient in indian cooking. not many people use these seeds despite them having many health benefits.... the sweet basil seedsdo resemble the chia seeds and is known by the names sabja seeds or falooda seeds or tukmaria in india. Muslim rulers who succeeded from the Mughals patronized the dessert with their own adaptations, specifically in Hyderabad Deccan and the Carnatic areas of present-day India, This dessert is now a major part of Pakistani culture, specially served on Islamic holidays and other occasions

It was a staple food of the Aztecs and an integral part of Aztec religious ceremonies. The cultivation of amaranth was banned by the conquistadores upon their conquest of the Aztec nation. However, the plant has grown as a weed since then, so its genetic base has been largely maintained. Research on grain amaranth began in the United States in the 1970s. By the end
of the 1970s, a few thousand acres were being cultivated.
of the 1970s, a few thousand acres were being cultivated.

Ashwagandha particularly its root powder, has been used for centuries in Traditional Indian Medicine. There is insufficient evidence that it has any medicinal effects. Dietary Supplements containing ashwagandha are marketed in the U.S., Ashwagandha is cultivated in many of the drier regions of India. It is also found in Nepal, China and Yemen. Ashwagandha is also used as an "adaptogen" to help the body cope with daily stress, and as a general tonic. Some people also use ashwagandha for improving thinking ability, decreasing pain and swelling and preventing the effects of aging.

Sahya's Barley a member of the grass family, is a major cereal grain grown in temperature Climates globally. It was one of the first cultivated grains, particularly in Eurasia as early as 10,000 years ago. Barley has been used as animal todder, as a source of fermentable material for beer and certain distilled Beverages, and as a component of various health foods. It is used in soups and stews, and in barley bread of various cultures. Barley grains are commonly made into malt in a traditional and ancient method of preparation.
In 2016, barley was ranked fourth among grains in quantity produced
In 2016, barley was ranked fourth among grains in quantity produced

Chia seeds aretiny black seeds from the plant Salvia Hispanica, which is relatedto the mint Chia seeds were an important food for the Aztecs and Mayans back in the day. They prized them for their." ability to provide sustainable energy.. in fact, "chia"is C HIA the ancient Mayan word for "strength"

Sahya's Quinoa Seeds are like cropgrown primarily for its edible seeds., Quinoa is not a real cereal, or grain, but more of a vegetable, as it is not a member of the grass family. quinoa is closely related to species such as, spinach, and tumbleweeds. Its leaves are also eaten as a leaf vegetable, much like amaranth. Quinoa greens are not widely available for purchase. Quinoa gives high quality protein and other nutrients. It has been called a 'superfood

Sesame seeds are tiny, flat oval seeds with a nutty taste and a delicate, almost invisible crunch. They come in a host of different colors, depending upon the variety, including white, yellow, black and red.
Sesame seed is one of the oldest oilseed crops known, domesticated well over 3000 years ago. Sesamum has many other species, most being wild and native to sub-Saharan Africa. Sesamum indicum, the cultivated type, originated in India.
Sesame has one of the highest oil contents of any seed. Sometimes sold with its seed coat removed (decorticated), this variety is often present on top of baked goods in many countries
Sesame seed is one of the oldest oilseed crops known, domesticated well over 3000 years ago. Sesamum has many other species, most being wild and native to sub-Saharan Africa. Sesamum indicum, the cultivated type, originated in India.
Sesame has one of the highest oil contents of any seed. Sometimes sold with its seed coat removed (decorticated), this variety is often present on top of baked goods in many countries

Sahya's Blueberries are perennial flowering plants with blue=or purple-colored berries. They are classified in the section Cyanococcus within the genus Vaccinium. Vaccinium also includes cranberries, bilberries, and huckleberries. The highbush blueberry varieties were introduced into Europe during the 1930s. Blueberries may be cultivated, or they may be picked from semiwild or wild bushes, In 2016, world production of blueberries (low- and highbush combined) was 552,505 tonnes, led by the United States with 49% of total production and Canada with 32%. In 2016, Canada was the largest producer of wild blueberries

Sahya's sunflower seed is the fruit of the sunflower (Helianthus annuus). There are three types of commonly used sunflower seeds: linoleic, high oleic, and Nusun developed for sunflower oil. Each variety has its own unique levels of monounsaturated, saturated, and polyunsaturated fats. Sunflower seeds are more commonly eaten as a snack than as part of a meal. They can also be used as garnishes or ingredients in various recipes. The seeds may be sold as in-shell seeds or dehulled kernels

Psyllium are produced commercially in several European countries. the former Soviet Union and India. Plantago seed, known commercially as black, French, or Spanish psyllium, is obtained from P. psyllium L., also known as P. arenaria. Seed produced from P.ovata is known in trading circles as white or blonde psyllium, Indian plantago, or isabgol. Isabgol, (or ispaghol in Pakistan) the common name in India for P. ovata, comes from the Persian words asp and gul, meaning "horse flower", which is descriptive of the - shape of the seed. India dominates the world market in the production and export of psyllium.
Plantago ovata is an annual herb that grows to a height of 30-46 cm (12–18 in). Leaves are opposite, linear or linear lanceolate 1 cm x 19 cm (0.39 in x 7.48 in). The root system has a well-developed tap root with few fibrous secondary roots. A large number of flowering shoots arise from the base of the plant. Flowers are numerous, small, and white. Plants flower about 60 days after planting. The seeds are enclosed in capsules that open at maturity
Plantago ovata is an annual herb that grows to a height of 30-46 cm (12–18 in). Leaves are opposite, linear or linear lanceolate 1 cm x 19 cm (0.39 in x 7.48 in). The root system has a well-developed tap root with few fibrous secondary roots. A large number of flowering shoots arise from the base of the plant. Flowers are numerous, small, and white. Plants flower about 60 days after planting. The seeds are enclosed in capsules that open at maturity

Sahya's Alfalfa Seeds is a perennial flowering plant in the pea family Fabaceae cultivated as an important forage crop in many countries around the world, The name alfalfa is used in North America. The name lucerne is the more commonly used name in the United Kingdom, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand Alfalfa seems to have originated in south-central Asia, and was first cultivated in ancient Iran, it was introduced to Greece in about 490 BC when the Persians invaded Greek territory In ancient India, Ayurvedic texts prescribe the use of Alfalfa seeds and sprouts for improving blood cell production and its leaves and stem as a good source of protein and minerals
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